
Aristophanes (c.446–c.386 BC), translated by Theodoridis, G., (contributor-contact-email)

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Aristophanes’ Ancient Greek comedy “The Birds” was performed in 414 BC at the City Dionysia, Athens, earning second place. Recognized for its imaginative scope, lively bird imitations and songs, the play differs from Aristophanes’ earlier works by not explicitly mentioning the Peloponnesian War or Athenian politics. This was despite the proximity of its timing to the Sicilian Expedition, a major phase in the war. As Aristophanes’ lengthiest extant play, it adheres to the style of Old Comedy. Deviations from these norms in the play are noteworthy, indicating either a departure from Old Comedy, textual corruption, or Aristophanes’ intention to achieve a unique dramatic effect.

The narrative centres on Pisthetaerus, an Athenian who persuades birds to build a grand city in the sky to reclaim their status as primordial deities. The story culminates with Pisthetaerus becoming a Bird-God and usurping Zeus as the supreme deity.

Author Details

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Theodoridis, G.,

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