Ovid’s Poems of Exile

Ovid (43 BC–17), translated by Kline, A. S. (tonykline@yahoo.com)

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Ovid, a prominent Roman poet, composed The Tristia and Ex Ponto during his exile in Tomis, current-day Constanța, Romania. These works, predominantly elegiac poetry, reflect his despair and longing for Rome. The Tristia, or Sorrows, contains five books of elegies lamenting his banishment and its hardships. Ex Ponto, comprising four books, is a series of verse epistles addressing friends and advocating for his return. Ibis is a separate work, a single poem deploying a vast range of mythological references to curse an unidentified enemy, likely a literary rival in Rome. These texts provide insight into Ovid’s emotional state during his exile and stand as significant contributions to Latin literature’s elegiac tradition.

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Ovid’s Poems of Exile - Ovid - translated by Kline, A. S.

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