Words from Cold Mountain

Han-shan (c.800), translated by Kline, A. S. (contact-email)

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Han-shan, known as the Master of Cold Mountain, and his companion Shi-te lived during the late eighth to early ninth centuries AD. They resided in the T’ien-t’ai mountain range of Chekiang (now Zhejiang) Province, situated to the south of Hangzhou Bay. These convivial companions withdrew into the wilderness to free themselves from society's restrictive constraints - the freedom they embodied reflecting their inner serenity.

Han-shan’s verse, though introspective and imbued with the essence of Zen, was nevertheless merely a vessel. His opinion was that the true embodiment of Zen resided within the conscious self, not within the confines of any written language.

Author Details

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Kline, A. S.

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