Terence’s Andria

Terence (c. 195 – c. 159? BC), translated by Kelk, Christopher (contributor-contact-email)

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“Andria”, Terence’s inaugural public play in 166 BC, adapted from Menander’s “Samia” and “Perinthia,” centres on a love triangle involving Pamphilus, Glycerium, and Philumena. Pamphilus impregnates Glycerium, the sister of a harlot, but is betrothed to Philumena by his father Simo. Following the uncovering of the affair at a funeral, Philumena’s father Chremes cancels the engagement. Simo manipulates this situation to shame his son, pretending that the wedding ceremony will proceed as planned. The deceptive slave Davus advises Pamphilus to accept the betrothal to outwit Simo, causing complications when Chremes reinstates his consent. The arrival of Crito from Andros reveals Glycerium’s true identity (in reality she is Chremes’ niece) resolving the entanglement. Glycerium marries Pamphilus, Philumena weds Pamphilus’ friend Charinus, and Davus is exonerated. The play inspired later adaptations and was the first of Terence’s works to be performed and translated post-antiquity.

Author Details

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Kelk, Christopher

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